I promise to act in the following manner, to the best of my ability, for the praise and honor of Jesus and His Holy Name:
Honor the name of God, of Jesus, and all things sacred, and strive to bring those in my care to do the same.
Bow my head at the name of Jesus.
Abstain from all improper language, such as blasphemy, perjury, profanity, cursing, obscene speech and indecency and, as far as prudence permits, induce others to do the same.
Strive for perfection by frequent reception of the sacraments, daily prayer, spiritual reading, acts of penance, and charity.
Respect God, myself, and others.
Support all lawful civil and religious authorities in light of Catholic teaching.
Engage in the Church’s corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Pray Learn Unite and Serve - In His Name.