Become a Disciple of the Holy Name of Jesus
Become a Disciple - When Joining an Existing Society is Not an Option

Become a Disciple of the Holy Name of Jesus
Becoming a Disciple of the Holy Name of Jesus is an entry point into the Holy Name Society for those not located near an existing Holy Name Society. Entering in through an existing Holy Name Society is preferred as it offers a direct path to becoming a Professed Member. If that is not possible, entering into the Holy Name Society initially as a new Disciple of the Holy Name of Jesus is the path in.
Do you want to grow in holiness? Are you interested in beginning or growing your relationship with Jesus? Would you like support, assistance, and encouragement from the Holy Name Society as you journey towards Jesus – In His Name?
Become a Disciple of the Holy Name of Jesus!
Jesus said, “If you ask anything of the Father in my name, He will give it to you.” (John 16:23) God gives us His Name to use as a sign of His openness and love for us. Disciples of the Holy Name of Jesus strive to grow closer to our Lord and be Christ to others through love of His Holy Name.
The Holy Name Society assists Disciples of the Holy Name in their journey to Jesus in the following ways:
Sends you a “Welcome Packet for New Disciples” at no cost. It includes Holy Name prayer cards and a Holy Name prayer booklet to help you start Devotion to the Holy Name.
Provides access to Holy Name Society spiritual information, programs, and faith activism to Pray, Learn, Unite and Serve through eNewletters, articles, and social media posts.
Provides opportunities to meet other Disciples of the Holy Name in your area with whom to Pray, Learn, Unite and Serve.
Disciples of the Holy Name promise, to the best of their ability, to do these actions for the praise and honor of Jesus' Great and Holy Name:
Participate in Holy Name Society activities to Pray, Learn, Unite and Serve as applicable and of interest to each individual, and
Seek to grow in the Way of the Holy Name of Jesus including:
Honor the name of God, of Jesus, and all things sacred, and strive to bring those in my care to do the same.
Bow my head when I hear the name of Jesus.
Abstain from all improper language, such as blasphemy, perjury, profanity, cursing, obscene speech and indecency and, as far as prudence permits, induce others to do the same.
Strive for perfection by frequent reception of the sacraments, daily prayer, spiritual reading, acts of penance and mortification, and fraternal charity.
Engage in the Church’s corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Are you ready to Become a Disciple of the Holy Name?
Anyone who is a Catholic is eligible to become a Disciple of the Holy Name. To become a Disciple of the Holy Name, simply click HERE to go to the sign up form.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus!